Short Stories

The Edgeverse isn’t just filled with novels that were written by people with a dubious grasp of reality, there’s also a whole load of short stories of all different kinds, including our own invention, ‘The Blip’. All of our short stories are free to read and are free to borrow and share, but we ask that you please credit us and link back to the source.

We have a wide variety of short stories from our creators, all entirely free to read. We have short, sharp and shocking stories that are strictly under 2000 words, or more, or less, which are known as Blips.

We also have serialised stories, periodically updated so you can read a chapter and go away to wonder why people like this are allowed to walk the streets.

But, we are.

And, we do.

All the stories, in no particular order...

Click on the image above to take a dive directly into our collection of stories. This will include Blips and guest stories, including ‘The Dark Side’, a side where decency and normalcy have no place being. All stories are free all the time so take a deep breath and prepare to kiss your sanity goodbye.


Blips are strictly under 2000 words, or more, or less, or whatever. They are short stories designed to make a point, often with a twist in the tail or some thinly-veiled piece of philosophical nonsense.

Blips started life when it became just too difficult to find short stories to use in class. Jack, a teacher of dubious mental health, scoured the depths of the internet searching for reasonably good short-stories to use in test and as examples for educational purposes.

It soon became obvious that most of the established classics are very difficult to find, are too long or aren’t free to use. Most stories by new authors don’t meet the criteria, he added politely in as diplomatic a way as he could manage.

So, in the end, Jack began to simply write his own. What began as a need for classroom material soon evolved into something terrible.

The Blips are available here as we get round to posting them.

This is not to be confused with the novel ‘Blips’ which, rather confusingly, contains a large number of the exact same short stories. The world is a silly place, the world of Edgeverse perhaps even more so…

"I watched her screaming for help while the man in the hood hit her, pulling at her purse. Why wasn’t anyone helping her?"

- Twitterature sample

“I announced to the people that we now had a currency, we would pay for the food they collected and the payment could be used to buy clothing and to pay for their shelter. All these things had been supplied for free, of course, but they accepted it because now their work appeared to have value, even though we had really taken the value from it.

- Blip - The Sphere

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