Hawk-Eye: Traffic
A.P. Atkinson (Mostly)
Read the whole novel, 'Hawk-Eye: Traffic' absolutely free. We require no email, no subscription, no hidden prompts to make you sign up to our newsletter and nobody is going to send you adverts for printer cartridges. In return, we only ask anyone who appreciates our work to leave a review on their favourite forum. If you’re looking for a fun story with vibrant, interesting characters, a well-devised plot and novels that helped us waste the precious gift of human life to create, then our novels might be right for you.

“I doubt I’ve ever had this much fun—I doubt anyone has! The world would be a better place if everyone had an unstable government prototype to play with and a headful of rat-murdering technology.”
Quote from 'Hawk-Eye: Traffic.' It's all basically like this.
"The first went to draw his weapon and got the full force of a fist to the face. It didn’t look like a face afterwards, more like a sack of pink skin that someone had poured a load of loose bones into. He fell to the floor in a weakly gurgling heap that would never again enjoy the simple pleasures of solid food."
Quote from 'Hawk-Eye: Traffic.' It's all basically like this. Some of it, even more so.
"Merv ignored him. “Coffee’s ready. Milk in yours, Ma’am, Sir.” He turned his attention to the very poorly-half-undressed man before him, and continued, “The last of the milk went in hers, so I made yours without cream instead.”
Quote from 'Hawk-Eye: Traffic.' Now you see why we have to give this stuff away...
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Hawk - Eye: Traffic
Hawk-Eye – Traffic is an action-thriller in the style of 80s TV. It’s a re-imagining of your favourite 1980s television ‘super-vehicle’ and adventure-style shows that some of us grew up watching. It’s like being immersed in your favourite story from the decade that brought us the ‘mullet’, only it’s been updated and modernised with a strong plot and relatable characters.
It mixes the classically comedic tongue-in-cheek tone of the time with moments of shocking darkness as it takes the audience on a wild ride into an adventure that might just change their world forever, and make heroes out of villains.
Read a completely FREE novel inspired by 80s comedy sci-fi here
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