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On the Shoulders of Giants

On the Shoulders of Giants By Seth Mecurywynn and Jack Freddkinson Last night I was watching the television. To be fair, I did feel like I had a few too many functional brain-cells, and they were sending me conflicting messages about peace for all humanity, and also how people who unironically like marzipan deserve to […]

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Twitter By Jack Littlebirdinson and Seth Featherwynn If you have any kind of online presence (and if you’re reading this, then it’s a fair guess that you have), you’ll know that Elon Musk has bought Twitter. Mr Musk has done this with the self-claimed intention of restoring free speech, the very cornerstone of Western civilisation,

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Keeping The Ruckus Down

Keep The Ruckus Down By A.P. Ruckinson and Seth Zoomwyn I got my first Honda Ruckus by somewhat dubious means. I had an acquaintance—a friend of a friend—who owned a very beaten up and sorry little Ruckus that looked like it had only barely survived being owned by a Russian. He was gigantic; I stand

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Honda Ruckus

Honda Ruckus (Zoomer) By Jack Littlbikeinson and Teeny-Tiny Seth Not all little bikes are created unequal Some motorcycles are designed to stir your passions and get your stomach churning with their ferocious performance. Others could barely churn a lump of butter with performance that seems better suited at stirring a cup of coffee. This is

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Welcome to Edgeverse

Welcome to Edgeverse We’ve all been there, you wake up one morning, your alarm clock buzzing to let you know that you’ve survived yet another long night and now you face the uphill struggle of working for a living so that you don’t suffer the indignity of starving to death in a society that has

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Positioning the Pieces

Positioning the Pieces Seth Godwynn “Wow, what an ending! I never saw that coming!” Have you ever got to the end of a really good story and thought that? It’s something we’ve all experienced many times, I’m sure, but it opens up a very interesting question that few ever stop to consider. Why does it

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