The Bad Place
A.P. Atkinson - Seth Godwynn
Beyond the world we see with our eyes is a world we can only feel with our mind. It exists in the twilight between wakefulness and sleep, between logic and reason and between horror and the ridiculous. This ‘zone’, if you will, is filled with all manner of light and darkness, tales of the macabre, stories of how horrible things are told horribly. Welcome to the terrible world of The Bad Place

"His dark eyes gazed out into forever, piercing into the darkest layers of an unemotional universe where he had never dreamed that such things that had happened could possibly exist. He spluttered loudly. Bloody bubbles spat from his mouth and a crimson mist jetted from a torn lump of tissue at the base of where a man normally carries his spine."
Quote from 'The Bad Place.' Don't be fooled, most of it is filled with jokes about toilets.
"It’s so hot now. So hot that she can hear her own eyes hissing inside her bones. And it grows hotter every moment; it will always grow hotter, and it will never run out of moments.”
Quote from 'The Bad Place.' It is a kind of horror so there are some dark moments. This is one of them.
“So you took a potion, blacked out, and went running around the city vigorously murdering everybody? Is that what you’re saying?”
I nodded my head. It seemed a fair summation. “These things happen.”
Quote from 'The Bad Place'. Sometimes there is ridiculousness in the Bad Places...
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The Bad Place
Sack and Jeth are two completely fictional writers who run a completely made-up website. They create a compendium of the macabre for a literary agent who bears the pungent odour of success. In this dreadful tome, these two indie-authors take a gigantic shit all over the horror genre for no really good reason.
In this collection of the very freshest short stories you’ll find revolting insults to vampires, witches, zombies and werewolves. There are tales of schools for young wizards and stories of sexual depravity written in the original style of various numbers of shades of monochromatic literary crap.
Come and check out The Bad Place.
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