July 26th - 27th Book Giveaway!
We can't sell this stuff, so let's just give it away for free!
We’re having another two day giveaway where our entire Kindle Unlimited catalogue is free for anyone that wants it. Simply go to Amazon and download our books for nothing, almost twice the price they’re actually worth. Take time out from your busy schedule of shaving your cat (it can’t just be me) to read the work of some struggling and desperately unappreciated independent authors.

Edgeverse.org is a tiny independent publisher that produces the best books you’ve never heard of. We are Jack (A.P. Atkinson), a man shaped like a potato on a stick who enjoys crashing motorcycles and who teaches English, novel-analysis and writing, and is a professional author, not that that means a thing these days.
Seth, our resident editor, is a sort of caricature of a thing who is like a cross between a 1970s rock band and a sock-puppet, who is a professional writer and editor and believes in quality before anything else. He’s not fun at parties. We also have a small but dedicated team of editors, proof-readers, artists and people who do our taxes. It’s not an exciting place to work.
On July 25th and July 27th, our entire catalogue can be had for the low, low price of nothing whatsoever. All of our novels that are priced above a dollar will be free for download from Amazon and the books priced at a dollar will continue to be free on our site.
So, you can have every single book we’ve released so far without spending anything. What could be better than that?*
Follow the links below to find out books and please consider leaving a review, it helps us more then you realise.
We guarantee that these are the very best free books you’ve ever read, or your money back!**
The Edge
Hawk-Eye: Traffic
Hawk-Eye: Family
Hawk-Eye: Legacy
The Human Race
All books are Free! How good is that?***
* Many things are potentially better than free books but we tried saving the world and it turned out to be a lot more effort than you think. We decided that free books was more our thing.
** We’re so confident in the quality of our entirely free books that we will give you twice your money back if you don’t agree that they’re the best book you’ve never paid for!
*** ‘Good’ is a subjective concept. We leave you to decide.
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